kim g

kim g on stage, red curtains in the back, holding a cup out to the audience.



Formerly founding member of Gender Offenders

kim g standing against a terracotta colored concrete wall. They are wearing a black tank top with green pants, a swirling tattoo covering their left shoulder.

"Why Queer Burlesque?"

Queer performance pushes me to move past the structures for what is defined and toward imagining

what could be. It means becoming the badass I want to be and changing shapes to make my dreams come true. Again and again. It means defying norms and redefining myself. This is about community because as queer people, we’re not included unless we sign-up for the rules of capitalism and of colonialism, unless we buy into the systemic norms that police how and who we’re supposed to be.

So we find each other on the fringes because as cast-aways, we’re free to be how and who we want to be. Queering our sexualities, fucking with the rules of desire, and supporting each other creatively and in life, we're being the community that the norms can’t capture. Queer performance allows me to be sexy on my terms, to be radical in the way I play, and to show up for all the magic that a troupe of hot queers can create."

kim g standing against a graffitied wall, arms crossed, wearing a ball cap and a tweed vest.
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